
Como Buscar Fondos Para Pagar tu Tratamiento

Algunos me han preguntado como es que hago dinero del internet y como ellos pueden hacerlo tambien. La respuesta es muy sencilla, aunque parezca lo contrario; utiliza tu recurso numero uno en estos momentos, tus vivencias.

Lo mismo aplica a todos los amigos que estan atravesando, ya sean ellos mismos o algun familiar, por una etapa tan dificil como lo es padecer una enfermedad como el Cancer u otra.

Luego viene la pregunta obligada: Como puedo utilizar mis vivencias personales para ganar dinero?
Otra vez, la respuesta es sencilla, si tienes acceso al internet y sabes escribir, tu puedes generar dinero del internet. Lo primero que debes hacer es crear un blog

Un blog es una forma sencilla y gratuita de crear un website. No tienes que saber de terminos complicados ni programacion para crear un blog. Solo seguir los pasos que te da la pagina y escribir.
Pero como gano dinero?

Aqui viene el paso mas importante; Registrate con Google adsense.
Has oido hablar de Google(TM)? Google(TM) es la corporacion de internet mas importante del mundo. Generaron mas de 12 billones (si, BILLONES) de dolares el ano pasado.

Luego de ser aceptado por Google, sigues los pasos sencillos que apareceran en tu pagina de Adesense. Ellos te proveeran con codigos especiales que puedes incorporar en tu pagina para que aparezcan anuncios relacionados al contenido de tu pagina.

Haz click en el enlace que dice Google Adsense y comienza hoy mismo!


Making A Mesothelioma Claim

Mesothelioma can take many years to emerge as a virulent form of cancer, although this is commonly recognized as having been the case in terms of seeking legal compensation.

In order to bring forward a successful mesothelioma claim you should be able to provide your solicitor with the following information pertaining to your industrial diseases claim;

* Where, when, and for how long were you exposed to asbestos?
* Were you responsible for your own safety at work; in other words were you answerable to anyone who should have monitored the exposure time for other individuals?
* Do you have medical records as evidence to prove that your condition has arisen as a result of asbestos exposure?

These are important factors to be considered in any mesothelioma claim, and claims brought about where there is substantial medical evidence can result in considerable compensation for victims and their families if negligence by any employer under the terms of your employment contract can be proved.

Under government employment law any employer has a duty of care toward its employees and the rules are especially strict when dealing with hazardous substances like asbestos. If your exposure to dust was foreseeable within your employment contract and failure to implement health and safety restrictions are in evidence you will be eligible for a mesothelioma claim. The type of asbestos dust you were exposed to will also affect your case, as it determines whether your condition is likely to worsen over time.

It is important to remember however that a recent change in the law states that no one company should pay compensation to an individual if there is evidence that he or she was exposed to asbestos at other companies also.

This change was brought about so that no one company would have to forfeit liability for another company's negligence within the same industry, even if the second company is no longer in existence. It is important to take this into account when thinking of making your mesothelioma claim in case your solicitor needs to bring about multiple claims.

Your solicitor will also need to see evidence of loss of earnings that your condition has directly caused. This will form the basis of your compensation claims worth. Any outgoings resulting from your condition past or future will be taken into account and will determine how much you can claim.

In order to find a good industrial claims solicitor, you can start your search for an industrial claims specialist on the Internet or contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau who will put you in touch with the nearest industrial disease expert.

Remember, it costs nothing to ask.


What to do after a Mesothelioma diagnosis

If you or a loved one has been recently handed a mesothelioma diagnosis, you may be feeling confused, frightened and betrayed. Many people diagnosed with the disease and their families have never heard of the disease before they're told that they may have it. Others have been dealing with the knowledge that they have been exposed to asbestos for years, and the diagnosis is the other shoe dropping. Once the mesothelioma diagnosis is made, they may even feel a surprising relief that the years of dread are over. There will be many people who tell you what you should or will be feeling. Just keep in mind that whatever you feel is valid - there is no wrong way to feel when you get such devastating news.

Mesothelioma is a devastating diagnosis. This rare form of cancer is almost invariably connected to previous asbestos exposure, often several decades in the past. It is also almost invariably terminal, painful and costly to treat. Treatment for the disease can cost thousands of dollars a month, and hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. Even the diagnostic testing to determine it can be expensive. If you've received a mesothelioma diagnosis, though, you may be eligible for compensation for your medical expenses and for your pain and suffering.

Mesothelioma is nearly always the end result of exposure to asbestos, often in the workplace. Asbestos, one of the most widely used building and insulating materials in history, gives off a very fine dust when it is crushed or broken. That dust is inhaled by workers and others in the area, and lodges in the lungs, throat, stomach or abdominal lining. There it remains for decades, causing tissue changes and lesions that may go undetected until they have developed into the devastating cancer.

The biggest tragedy of mesothelioma is that it was entirely preventable. The management and owners of the companies that made and distributed asbestos were well aware of the dangers of working with asbestos. They also knew decades ago that there are easy ways to reduce exposure to asbestos fibers when working with asbestos - ways as simple as providing disposable paper masks to workers who are in contact with it. They chose to keep what they knew about the dangers of asbestos to themselves. They made a conscious choice to deny their employees the information and the equipment that would have prevented this deadly disease.

When the truth did come out about asbestos and its relationship to a mesothelioma diagnosis, the public was outraged. Lawsuits were filed and continue to be filed by and on behalf of those who have developed the disease after being exposed to asbestos. The courts have almost invariably held the companies responsible for the illnesses caused by asbestos and awarded enormous amounts to those who are dealing with mesothelioma or have lost a loved one to it. Those awards go a long way toward covering the costs of medical care and toward reassurance that families are taken care of when the victim can no longer work and support the family him or herself.

If you or a loved one has been given a diagnosis, you'll be facing many decisions and challenges in the coming months. Many of those decisions and challenges will be financial. While no lawsuit or amount of money can make up for the losses and pain, an award or settlement from the companies responsible for your condition can help pay for your treatment and set your mind at ease about your family's financial circumstances. You owe it to yourself and to your family to explore your legal options as well as your medical options if you've been diagnosed with mesothelioma.

A mesothelioma lawyer can be helpful to you in other ways than just advising you on recovering damages after a diagnosis. For many top mesothelioma lawyers and their staffs, helping people with a diagnosis has become a crusade. In addition to legal matters, your lawyer's office may be an excellent source of information about social, medical and psychological resources available to those who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma. Because the law offices who are most involved with mesothelioma and asbestos litigation have so many connections within the field, your lawyer's office may be able to help you with lists of support groups, diagnostic services, information and educational resources.

A diagnosis is not the end of the world, and having the right information and resources at hand can make a great deal of difference in how you and your family manage in the weeks, months and years after you get the news. If you've been diagnosed with mesothelioma, consult a law firm that understands asbestos litigation and mesothelioma cases. You owe it to yourself and your family.


Los Mejores Dulces que he Probado

Gracias a mi amiga Carol Marrero Stella, propietaria de Sweet From Heaven. Esta joven confecciona unas sabrosas Paletas de Chocolate, Brownies, Chocolate Strawberries y muchas delicias mas con sus propias manos. Puedo dar fe de que estos dulces, ademas de ser deliciosos, son como pequenas obras de arte. Para pedidos pueden llamar al 787-596-5878 en Puerto Rico.

Gracias, Carol y adelante con tu excelente talento!

Hasta la Proxima!



La Mejor Crema para Prevenir la Irritacion

Necesito la opinion de ustedes, los pacientes, sobre cual es la mejor crema que han usado para prevenir la irritacion de la piel mientras estan recibiendo su tratamiento de radioterapia.

Actualmente, en el mercado hay varias alternativas de las que voy a enumerar solo unas pocas: RadiaCare, Rad-X, RadiaCreme, RadiaGuard y Biafine. La Biafine no creo que haya llegado a PR pero voy a investigar para quizas hacer la prueba en CIRT.

Ya Biafine ha sido probada clinicamente en Estados Unidos con muy buenos resultados. Espero que continuen respaldando a sus companeros y si puedes, hablale de esta pagina informativa y expongan sus comentarios haciendo click donde dice comentarios.

He aqui la encuesta:


Información Nueva de John Hopkins Memorial

El Texto que está circulando desde el 2004 titulado "Información Nueva del John Hopkins Memorial Hospital" o "John Hopkins Memorial Hospital" y que habla sobre la alimentación y el uso de botellas o plásticos en microondas, etc., NO está redactado por el Johns Hopkins Memorial Hospital ni sus Investigadores.
Según detalla la misma Institución a través de su página en internet -www.hopkinskimmelcancercenter.org/news/index.cfm?documentid=866&newstype=News%20Releases&action=showthisitem - esta información no fue publicada ni es endosada por La Universidad Johns Hopkins ni el Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center.
Así que, a todos nuestros pacientes, riegen la voz y desechen la publicación con este título.
Para más información, manténgase visitando esta página periódicamente.


Bienvenidos al Nuevo Radioterapia.ws!

Esta página está dedicada a todos los Sobrevivientes de Cáncer latinos e hispanos del mundo. Soy un Tecnólogo de Radioterapia radicado en Ponce, Puerto Rico. Mi meta con esta página es que nuestros pacientes en CIRT Ponce y en el resto del mundo de habla hispana tengan un foro donde expresar sus inquietudes, ideas y experiencias personales con su tratamiento contra el cáncer.

Periódicamente estaré posteando artículos, noticias y entrevistas relacionados al tema del Cancer, Radioterapia, Oncología y métodos naturales para prevenir esta enfermedad.

Espero que se mantengan visitando esta página diariamente y expongan sus ideas y conocimientos sobre el tema. Quizás sin saberlo estén ayudando grandemente a otro paciente en necesidad de tan valiosa información y apoyo.

Gracias a todos.

Jesús A. Sánchez, RTT
CIRT-Ponce, PR